A minimal and intense CD dedicated to Philip Glass’ music.
© 2012 Amadeus Arte
Floraleda Sacchi (Harp)

Since 2007 Floraleda Sacchi performs regularly Philip Glass’ works on Harp.
She realized Glass’ music works perfectly on Harp and since then she became for many years the only harpist regularly performing worldwide his music in concerts, tv and radio broadcast: performances were listed on official Glass’ website and some Glass’ pieces were recorded live for the American Harp Society as important contribution to Harp repertoire.

Beside live performances, in 2007 Floraleda recorded ‘Open the Kingdom’ for the CD ‘Suite en Duo’ published by PHILIPS label (Cat. No. 476 5978).
In 2008, she included the five ‘Metamorphosis’ in her celebrated recording ‘Minimal Harp’ (DECCA, cat. No. 476 3172).
Finally, in 2012, she recorded this album for Portraits’ Collection by Amadeus Arte with a lot of world premières for the Harp and with a completely new sound approach opening a new dimension for this music.

Download complete Booklet

  1. Opening
  2. The Candyman: Helen’s Theme Cue1
  3. The Candyman: Helen’s Theme Cue2
  4. The Candyman: Helen’s Theme Cue3
  5. Metamorphosis One
  6. Metamorphosis Two
  7. Metamorphosis Three
  8. Metamorphosis Four
  9. Metamorphosis Five
  10. Modern Love Waltz
  11. The Hours: Why does someone have to die?
  12. Trilogy Sonata: Knee Play 4 from Einstein on the Beach
  13. Trilogy Sonata: Sathyagraha, Act II Scene III of Sathyagraha
  14. Trilogy Sonata: Dance from Aknathen
  15. Closing + Truman Sleeps from Glasswork and Truman’s Show

Album review: Floraleda Sacchi, Philip Glass: Metamorphosis (Amadeus Arte)
★★★★ The Independent
Floraleda Sacchi’s harp lends itself particularly well to the minimalist logic of Philip Glass’s progressions on this anthology of transpositions, never better than on the “Opening” from Glassworks, where the bass pulse beds beautifully among the mirroring figures of the theme.
The centrepiece is “Metamorphosis” itself, a five-part suite reconstituting themes from Glass’s scores to The Thin Blue Line and The Hours, an alliance of dread fatalism that works smoothly. Elsewhere, the sparkling flurries of notes in “Modern Love Waltz” buoyed up the register like bubbles, while the “‘Trilogy’ Sonata” yokes together excerpts from the operas Einstein on the Beach, Satyagraha and Akhnaten. (Andy Gill)

Sound+Vision (Spanish) No fundo, Metamorphosis & Other Works mostra-nos que há sempre espaço para novos pontos de vista. O que, sobretudo a um espírito aberto e dialogante como é o de Philip Glass, só pode mesmo agradar.

La Provincia


News Spettacolo

Nel disco, Metamorphosis è stata abbinata al suggestivo Opening (estratto da Glasswork, del 1981), ai tre brani intitolati Helen’s Tune (da Candyman, dal 1992), a Modern Love Waltz (del 1978), a una pagina estratta dalla colonna sonora di The Hours (2002) e alla Trilogy Sonata (2000): il tutto poi siglato con Closing (estratto, anch’esso, da Glasswork). Questa silloge può funzionare benissimo per un primo approccio all’autore, dato che le opere spaziano dalla fine degli anni settanta fino alla produzione più recente. Potrebbe quindi interessare anche coloro che non hanno dimestichezza con il linguaggio minimalista di Glass.
Claudia Bolzan, Musica

Music Web.
“Sacchi is a straightforward, motoric performer”.


Recorded on October 27, 2012 and mixed on October 29, 2012 in Como (Italy) by Filadelfo Castro and Francesco Ambrosini.
Tracks 2, 4, 11 and 15 were overdubbed and creatively mixed.

Floraleda plays a Lyon&Healy Harp, Style 30, No. 16516
Cover Photo: Studio Corbetta

Produced by Amadeus Arte
© 2012 Amadeus Arte, Cat. No. AA12002

This CD is part of Portraits’ Collection