For Violin and Harp A famous melody by Paganini arranged to be played also with harp accompaniment (original only guitar or piano). Arranged by Floraleda Sacchi Buy now
Elias Parish Alvars. Life, Music, Documents Annotated Catalogue of his Works for Harp, Piano, Orchestra and Voice 220 pages, including 40 pictures and reproductions of manuscripts and letters of Parish Alvars. Odilia Publishing Ltd. ISBN 3-9521367-1-9 Contents – Biography – Harp techniques – Overview of original works and arrangements – Annotated catalogue of works – […]
Maurice Ravel: Adagio assai from “Concerto pour piano en Sol majeur” For Violin/Flute and Harp Arranged by Floraleda Sacchi Maurice Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G major was composed between 1929 and 1931. The concerto is in three movements and is heavily influenced by jazz, which Ravel had encountered on a concert tour of the United States in 1928. […]
Ottorino Respighi: Intermezzo-Serenata For Solo Harp Arranged by Floraleda Sacchi Intermezzo Serenata is an instrumental passage from the comic opera “Re Enzo” by Respighi. Re Enzo was performed the first time on March 12, 1905 in Bologna at Teatro del Corso. As desired by Respighi the opera was performed only once even if it was […]
Music by Astor Piazzolla All arrangements by Floraleda Sacchi © 2015 DECCA 481 1489 Sesto disco Universal Music per Floraleda e debutto per Maristella che vedranno uscire il loro progetto “Intimamente Tango” con marchio DECCA. Il CD presenta un tango dai caratteri inconsueti, poetici ed intimi – in cui malinconia, speranza e sensualità si fondono armonicamente. Le […]
A great Fantasia by Elias Parish Alvars based on themes by Italian opera. An abridged version of this work has achieved great popularity in a wonderful recording by Nicanor Zabaleta. Entitled Introduction, Cadenza and Rondo (London, Stainer & Bell, 1976), it includes only the final sections of the piece, starting at the Largo. This truncation […]