Astor Piazzolla: Oblivion, performed live @ Radio Svizzera Italiana on Oct. 25, 2012. A piece I really like and I arranged for Harp. For the video I used the beginning of Enrico IV, the movie by Bellocchio dated 1982. Oblivion was written for this scene.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN! A CD dedicated to music and silences by John Cage. John Cage (Speaker), Floraleda Sacchi (Harp, Prepared Harp, Toy Harp, Voice, Stopwatch) CD on iTunes, Google Play, Arkivmusic, Amazon, etc…… I read “Silence” for the first time when I was 15. I fall instantly in love with Cage’s attitude and ideas. He made […]

World première a new concerto by Machajdik: “Slovo O” (A word about) on May 15, 2013. As the composer writes, the piece is “dedicated to children victims of sexual abuse in Ireland, Germany (and the rest of the world)”. A word about should be said… Floraleda Sacchi (Harp), Milli Reasürans Oda Orkestrasi, Hakan Sensoy (Conductor) […]

Floraleda Sacchi (Harp), Arion String Quartet Gabriel Pierné: Voyage au pays du Tendre, àprès la Carte du Tendre de M.lle de Scudéry: L'embarquement Villages: Petits Soins, Tendresse, Empressemént, Confiante amitié, Perfidie-Méchanceté, Mer d'inimitié, Soumission, Billets galants, Jolis vers, Billets doux. Retour par le fleuve Tendre-sur-Inclination

Daniele Garella: Spring is Here (floraleda sacchi harp) Sonia Formenti (Flute) and Floraleda Sacchi (Harp) play Portraits No. 5 by Amadeus Arte dedicated to Daniele Garella Music

Selections from the concert-show “Harp Dances”. Floraleda Sacchi and Monica Sanchez @ Teatro Accademico dei Bibiena (Mantova). Music in the video: Salzedo (Tango, Seguidilla), Granados (Valses poeticos, Andaluza), Lecuona (Zambra Gitana), Granados (Valses poeticos), Albéniz (Asturias, Cuba), Rodrigo (Aranjuez, ma pensée), Salzedo (Chanson dans la nuit). Pieces are recorded on DECCA CD 476 3856.

Heinz Holliger: Sequenzen über Johannes I, 32. Ich sah daß der Geist herabfur wie eine Taube von Himmel und blieb auf Ihm. I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. Io vidi lo Spirito scendere dal cielo come una colomba e rimanere su di lui. from a live […]